All about Generics: Part 1

Syed Hasan
6 min readMar 12, 2022


Introduction of Generics

Generics means parameterized types. The idea is to allow user defined class types (Integer, String, any class etc. for example) to be a parameter to methods, classes, and interfaces. Using Generics, it is possible to create classes that work with different data types. An entity such as class, interface, or method that operates on a parameterized type is a generic entity.

Benefits of Generics

Type safety:

Using generics helps us define a type to consume in and produce from, where it is used. Which means, we can be sure of adding a specific type of data in a Collection type for example (List<Integer>), and get the exact same type. This saves us from getting ClassCastException and from lots of development pain.

Type erasure

Type erasure means, all the additional information included while using Java Generics, are removed from bytecode while generated. In bytecode it will be old java syntax prior to Java 5.

Alternatively we can say, we will be enforced to use a type in compile time, but the types are discarded at runtime.

Where we can use Generics

Components of Generics

  1. <> — Diamond operator — we put a generic type inside it.
  2. T — known as a Generic type. We can actually use any character or word instead of T here. usually used as <T>
  3. ? — known as wildcard. We use it like <?>
  4. extends — Used to set Upper Bound of Generic type. Which means, we can not use any parent class of this upper bounded class.
  5. super — Used to set Lower Bound of Generic type. We cannot use any child class of this lower bounded class.

Let’s start our today’s discussion to explain using Generics with wildcards.

Using Generics with wildcards

We have talked about wildcard above. Wildcard represents an unknown type. The followings are the examples of wildcard parameterized generics.

List<? extends Number>
Comparator<? super String>

Wildcard can be used in the following situations:

  • To define the type for a generic containing parameter
void addAll(List<? extends Object> objects) {}
  • To define the type for a generic containing field or local variable
Set<? extends Number> numList = Set.of(3, 100_000_000_000_000L, 2.5F, 2.7);
  • To define unknown type for a generic containing return type. But it is better to make the type specific.
ResponseEntity<?> getAll() {

Unbounded wildcard parameterized type

A generic type that does not contain any boundary of upper or lower limit, only contains wildcard as type.

ArrayList<?>  list = new ArrayList<Long>();  
ArrayList<?> list = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<?> list = new ArrayList<Employee>();

Bounded wildcard parameterized type

Bounded wildcard have 2 types — upper bounded and lower bounded. These bounds put some restrictions on range of classes that can be used as generic types. We usually achieve the upper bound limit by extends and lower bound limit by super keyword.

Upper bounded wildcard

Let’s assume, we have a method, that takes a parameter of List. The list items can have different instances of a class, that has multiple child class. Now, we don’t know, at which point of time which child class instance list will be passed through the method parameter. In such case, we can simply set the upper bounded wildcard.

List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5);

private static Number sum (List<? extends Number> numbers){
double s = 0.0;
for (Number n : numbers)
s += n.doubleValue();
return s;

Lower bounded wildcard

When we want to set a lower limit of a class hierarchy, and we don’t want to add any instance of any class below to that hierarchy, we use super keyword to make this lower bounded wildcard. This applies for a method parameter.

To demonstrate, let us create 3 classes — Fruit, Apple and AsianApple

class Fruit {
public String toString() {
return "Any fruit!!";
class Apple extends Fruit {
public String toString() {
return "This is an Apple !!";
class AsianApple extends Apple {
public String toString() {
return "This is an AsianApple !!";

We will also define a method that receives a List<? super Apple> as parameter.

public static void printApples(List<? super Apple> apples) {

Now observe the following example. When we pass a list of AsianApple in the method printApples(…), it gives us compile time error. But when we try to pass a list of Fruit , which is the super of Apple, it accepts it without any error.

Interesting thing to observe, we can add AsianApple in the 2nd list, and it is acceptable. But it is impossible to pass a list wholly of an unsupported type.

List<AsianApple> basket1 = new ArrayList<>();
basket1.add(new AsianApple());
printApples(basket1); // Compilation error
List<Fruit> basket2 = new ArrayList<>();
basket2.add(new AsianApple());
basket2.add(new Apple());
basket2.add(new Fruit());

Now, let’s see some limitations and exceptional cases of extends and super.

Limitations and exceptional cases

  • We can create a list like List<? extends Apple> and instantiate the list. But when we try to add elements in it, it will give us compilation error.
Set<? extends Apple> appleSet = new HashSet<>();
appleSet.add(new Apple()); // Compilation error
appleSet.add(new AsianApple()); // Compilation error

The reason is becuase we actually don’t need to mention ? extends If we define a list of Apple, it simply can accept any child of Apple type.

  • However, we can define something like the following when we define it in one go.
List<? super Apple> basket = List.of(new Apple(), new AsianApple());

// Because we are populating all objects first,
// then assigning the list in the left side object.
// So the above code satisfies the below valid condition

List<? super Apple> basket = new ArrayList<Object>();
List<? super Apple> basket1 = List.of(new Apple(), new AsianApple(), new Fruit(), new Object(), 123, 12.45);

The reason is because when we define with List.of(…) it actually accepts objects and produces a list of Object. And List<Object> is a type of List<? super Apple>.

  • Notice the following example:
List<? super Apple> basket = new ArrayList<>();basket.add(new Apple());    //Successful
basket.add(new AsianApple()); //Successful
// basket.add(new Fruit()); //Compile time error
// basket.add(new Object()); //Compile time error

Interesting fact here is, we were supposed to be able to add any super type of Apple in the list, but it seems to happen the opposite. When we try to add items in a list demonstrated above, it only accepts the children of the super type.

PECS [Producer extends, Consumer super]

  • If we want to produce items, e.g.: iterate over a list or get items from a list, we use extends.

The reason is that we cannot know which subtype or Fruit our collection will hold. So it is safe to get the object from the list and store in a Fruit type.

  • If we want to add items in our collection, we use super.

The reason is that we don’t care what are already stored in the collection. As long as we are adding a Fruit and it’s subtype in the collection, the compiler doesn’t complain.

Where we cannot use Generic types

  • With static fields
public class GenericsExample<T>
private static T member; //This is not allowed
  • We cannot instantiate any generic type
public class GenericsExample<T>
public GenericsExample(){
new T();
  • We cannot refer to premitive types with Generic type
final List<int> ids = new ArrayList<>();    //Not allowed

final List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>(); //Allowed
  • We cannot create Generic exception classes
// causes compiler error
public class GenericException<T> extends Exception {}

That’s all for this article. In our next article we will discuss on Arrays with Generics, Using Generic type as parameter of a class and Using Generic types with method or constructor definition.

Thank you for your patience and taking time to read this long article 🙂

The codes can be found here.


  1. Many thanks to A N M Bazlur Rahman vaiya for reviewing the article and guiding me to review it.
  2. Thanks to Dipanjal Maitra vai for inspiring me to write an article on this topic.



Syed Hasan
Syed Hasan

Written by Syed Hasan

Software Engineer | Back-End Developer | Spring Developer | Cloud Enthusiast

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